Sep 3, 2017 | by Jonathan Waller | series: The Gospel John
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“Politically Correct Christ?”
John 4:27-42
- Introduction: Are you ever amazed at how divided our country is?
- Our culture is constantly bombarded with offensive messages
- Jesus responds with an offensive message of his own
- Jesus’ offensive words weren’t about Feminism
- Women in Biblical times
- Women today
- Jesus is your advocate
- Jesus’ offensive words weren’t about Race
- Biblical Racism
- Racism today
- Jesus is your advocate
- Jesus’ offensive words were directed towards his disciples
- Despite Jesus’ offensive words, those who have been given spiritual eyes love to talk about him
- They love to do his work
- They love to be in his presence
- Conclusion: Jesus seems to overlook being politically correct and instead focuses on the messages his disciples need to hear
- We have been called to talk about him, do his work and stay in his presence
- This can’t be done by trying harder or by emulating another person, we must do what Jesus said to his disciples
- We must lift up our eyes