Mar 12, 2017
Simplify – Week 6: Simple Purpose
Series: Simplify

Week 6 - Small Group Discussion Questions

  1. Sometimes we prioritize our dreams and ambitions and can put God’s agenda for us on the back burner. Do you think this is why a lot of believers live complicated lives?  Why or why not?
  1. Read Romans 8:28-29. The Apostle Paul said that God’s purpose is for us to become like Christ.  Do you believe this looks different for each person?  Why or why not?
  1. Do you believe it’s still difficult to give blind obedience to God when we understand that God’s ultimate goal is to conform us into the image Christ? Why or why not?
  1. Does it bother you that God could lead us to suffer greatly for his glory (just like He did with Christ)? Why or why not?
  1. Pastor Jon said his “life-verse” isn’t the same as his “favorite verse”. Do you think there has to be a difference between the two?  Why or why not?
  1. Do you have a favorite verse, and/or a life-life verse? If so, would you be willing to share?
  1. Pastor Jon said that your life-verse will be unique to the calling that God has placed on your life. Do you believe that two people with separate callings can cling to the same life-verse?  Why or why not?
  1. Does it make sense how seeing, reciting, and memorizing a passage of scripture can keep us grounded in our purpose? Why or why not?
  1. Read Mark 4:20. This is the life-verse of our church. Do you believe it accurately reminds us that our mission is to take-root, grow & bear fruit?  Why or why not?
  • Mar 12, 2017Simplify – Week 6: Simple Purpose
    Mar 12, 2017
    Simplify – Week 6: Simple Purpose
    Series: Simplify

    Week 6 - Small Group Discussion Questions

    1. Sometimes we prioritize our dreams and ambitions and can put God’s agenda for us on the back burner. Do you think this is why a lot of believers live complicated lives?  Why or why not?
    1. Read Romans 8:28-29. The Apostle Paul said that God’s purpose is for us to become like Christ.  Do you believe this looks different for each person?  Why or why not?
    1. Do you believe it’s still difficult to give blind obedience to God when we understand that God’s ultimate goal is to conform us into the image Christ? Why or why not?
    1. Does it bother you that God could lead us to suffer greatly for his glory (just like He did with Christ)? Why or why not?
    1. Pastor Jon said his “life-verse” isn’t the same as his “favorite verse”. Do you think there has to be a difference between the two?  Why or why not?
    1. Do you have a favorite verse, and/or a life-life verse? If so, would you be willing to share?
    1. Pastor Jon said that your life-verse will be unique to the calling that God has placed on your life. Do you believe that two people with separate callings can cling to the same life-verse?  Why or why not?
    1. Does it make sense how seeing, reciting, and memorizing a passage of scripture can keep us grounded in our purpose? Why or why not?
    1. Read Mark 4:20. This is the life-verse of our church. Do you believe it accurately reminds us that our mission is to take-root, grow & bear fruit?  Why or why not?
  • Mar 5, 2017Simplify – Week 5: Simple Friendships
    Mar 5, 2017
    Simplify – Week 5: Simple Friendships
    Series: Simplify

    Week 5 - Small Group Discussion Questions

    1. Do you have any relationships in your life that are “complicated”? If so, how could they be simplified without hurting others?
    1. Have you ever experienced a scenario where “stupid rubbed off” on you? Would you be willing to share?
    1. Read Proverbs 13:20. Do you believe it is possible to have foolish friends and be wise?  Why or why not?
    1. Do you believe it’s wrong to “judge” our friends? If so, how then can we evaluate our friendships?
    1. Read 1 Corinthians 15:11. How can we reconcile this verse with our responsibility to share the Gospel?
    1. How can we walk away from people who display Solomon’s 7 “red flags” without being guilty of haughty eyes (looking down on others)?
    1. Do you have friends that seem to pull you away from God? Could some of your friends say the same thing about you?
    1. Can you think of someone in your life you want to be more like? If so, who?  How much time do you spend with them?
  • Feb 26, 2017Simplify – Week 4: Simple Forgiveness
    Feb 26, 2017
    Simplify – Week 4: Simple Forgiveness
    Series: Simplify

    Week 4 - Small Group Discussion Questions

    1. Sometimes we underestimate how much damage a torn relationship can do in the long run. Have you ever experienced this scenario?  If so, how?
    1. Pastor Jon said that we can generally tell where our spiritual maturity is by how we react when we’re sinned against. Do you agree?  Why or why not?
    1. Bill Hybels offers three categories for offense, Minor Offenses, Legitimate Wounds, and Life-Shattering Offenses. Do you feel that these three categories accurately categorize wrong doing?  Why or why not?
    1. Do you believe we should just over look all Minor Offenses? Why or why not?
    1. Read Matthew 18:15. Bill Hybels believes that correctly applying this one verse will resolve about 90% of all disagreements. Do you agree with this statement?  Why or why not?  Can you think of a scenario where it won’t work?
    1. How difficult is it for you to “Let it Go” when people refuse to reconcile with you?
    1. When someone experiences a Category 3 Offense (a life shattering offense) there are no words to comfort them. So what would you say to them to help them look down the road for forgiveness one day?
    1. Read 1 Peter 4:13. Do you think this verse communicates that God allows bad things to happen so that we will grow in Christ?  Why or why not?
  • Feb 19, 2017Simplify – Week 3: Simple Schedule
    Feb 19, 2017
    Simplify – Week 3: Simple Schedule
    Series: Simplify

    Week 3 - Small Group Discussion Questions

    1. Solomon’s most consistent message in the book of Ecclesiastes is that everything we pursue outside of God is “meaningless” or “vanity”. Do you think there might be something you are pursuing that is “meaningless”? If so, what?
    2. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Do you believe there is an appropriate time to kill and hate? If so, can you share an example?
    3. Pastor Jon said that we often allow ourselves to be taken hostage by our schedules. Do you believe we have as much control over our schedules that he seems to suggest? Why or why not?
    4. Would you ever consider allowing a trusted friend to say what they thought your priorities are? Why or why not?
    5. Read Luke 14:26. Have you ever felt like you had to choose between God and Family? If so, when?
    6. Andy Stanley and his wife Sandra wrote down two goals for their family (#1, They wouldn’t be the couple that had nothing in common when their children left the home, #2, To make their home a place their kids wanted to be when they were old enough to move out). How do you think these two goals can be accomplished?
    7. What are some luxuries that are easily confused as necessities?
    8. What are some things you think you can do to have a simplified schedule?
  • Feb 12, 2017Simplify – Week 2: Simple Finances
    Feb 12, 2017
    Simplify – Week 2: Simple Finances
    Series: Simplify

    Week 2 - Small Group Discussion Questions

    1. Do you currently feel as if you have control over your finances or that your finances have control over you? Why?
    1. Read 1 Timothy 6:9-10. From this passage, do you believe it’s wrong to be wealthy?  Why or why not?
    1. Why do you think it’s difficult for people to understand that everything they work for belongs to the Lord?
    1. Read Proverbs 22:7. Do you believe that there’s such a thing as good debt & bad debt (Dave Ramsey)? Or do would you argue that all debt is ungodly (Bill Hybels)?  Why?
    1. Read Malachi 3:9-10. Do you feel that not giving 10% of your income is actually robbing God?  Why or why not?
    1. Do you usually give to those asking for money on the side of the road? Why or why not?  Do you believe that Jesus would support you in your conviction?
    1. Would you support the belief that God directs us each to give in different ways? Why or why not?
    1. What do you believe your first step was (or will be) to having peace with your finances? Why?
  • Feb 5, 2017Simplify – Week 1: Running on Empty
    Feb 5, 2017
    Simplify – Week 1: Running on Empty
    Series: Simplify

    Week 1 - Small Group Discussion Questions

    1. Read John 10:10. Do you think people tend to see this verse in reverse (that Jesus steals away enjoyment and the devil brings it)?  Why or why not?
    1. Pastor Jon said that living w/ simplicity means walking away from innumerable opportunities to take advantage of an incredible, God-ordained opportunity. Has this ever happened to you?  If so, how?
    1. If you were to gauge your “fullness” on a “life bucket”, are you full, empty, or somewhere in between?
    1. What are things like for you when you’re running on a full tank?
    1. What are things like for you when you’re running on empty?
    1. Bill Hybel says, “When you’re running on empty, you’re not only hard to be around, you’re dangerous.” Do you agree?  Why or why not?
    1. What sort of things fill up your bucket and what sort of things drain you?
    1. Read Romans 15:13. Have you ever been “overflowing” with joy and peace?  If so, when?  If you’re not sure, can you remember a time when someone else was overflowing with joy and peace?  What gave you that impression?