Dec 24, 2017
“Love in Advent” – 1 John 4:7-12
By: Jonathan Waller
Series: Advent 2017
“Love in Advent”
1 John 4:7-12
- Introduction: When you pack for a Christmas trip, what do you choose to take with you?
- Most of the time we focus on the essentials, but sometimes we pack things to take with us that we shouldn’t
- The Apostle John wrote 1 John to 2nd and 3rd generation Christians who had a lot of baggage from their upbringing
- We tend to carry baggage from our experience
- Sometimes we pack the wrong things and carry around unnecessary baggage
- The early church had adopted several false doctrines they needed to abandon
- When we carry unnecessary baggage, we limit what we can pick up
- We can discover what we don’t need by focusing on that which we do
- Sometimes we don’t pack enough of the right things
- The church had love because they had God, however they didn’t have enough love because it didn’t affect the way they interacted with each other (So how should we love?)
- Love is displayed by sacrifice
- Because God sacrificed for us, we can sacrifice for others
- Sometimes we pack the right things in the wrong way
- There’s a right way to pack the right cargo
- Doctrine is certainly important but we must be looking at our doctrine through the lens of love
- If our doctrine doesn’t point us to love, it is the wrong doctrine
- Conclusion: When we have God, we have love!
- We have to lean into love, when we do, God will show us the things in our lives that are unloving
- In order to love, we can’t keep a safe distance from others because God didn’t give us that example
- So, do we really want God and the love He brings or do we want to continue to carry around unnecessary luggage?
- Dec 24, 2017“Love in Advent” – 1 John 4:7-12
Dec 24, 2017“Love in Advent” – 1 John 4:7-12By: Jonathan WallerSeries: Advent 2017
“Love in Advent”
1 John 4:7-12
- Introduction: When you pack for a Christmas trip, what do you choose to take with you?
- Most of the time we focus on the essentials, but sometimes we pack things to take with us that we shouldn’t
- The Apostle John wrote 1 John to 2nd and 3rd generation Christians who had a lot of baggage from their upbringing
- We tend to carry baggage from our experience
- Sometimes we pack the wrong things and carry around unnecessary baggage
- The early church had adopted several false doctrines they needed to abandon
- When we carry unnecessary baggage, we limit what we can pick up
- We can discover what we don’t need by focusing on that which we do
- Sometimes we don’t pack enough of the right things
- The church had love because they had God, however they didn’t have enough love because it didn’t affect the way they interacted with each other (So how should we love?)
- Love is displayed by sacrifice
- Because God sacrificed for us, we can sacrifice for others
- Sometimes we pack the right things in the wrong way
- There’s a right way to pack the right cargo
- Doctrine is certainly important but we must be looking at our doctrine through the lens of love
- If our doctrine doesn’t point us to love, it is the wrong doctrine
- Conclusion: When we have God, we have love!
- We have to lean into love, when we do, God will show us the things in our lives that are unloving
- In order to love, we can’t keep a safe distance from others because God didn’t give us that example
- So, do we really want God and the love He brings or do we want to continue to carry around unnecessary luggage?
- Introduction: When you pack for a Christmas trip, what do you choose to take with you?
- Dec 17, 2017“Peace In Advent” – Colossians 1:18-23
Dec 17, 2017“Peace In Advent” – Colossians 1:18-23By: Jonathan WallerSeries: Advent 2017
“Peace In Advent”
Colossians 1:18-23
- Introduction: Have you ever noticed how peace tends to disappear around Christmas time?
- Our quest for “perfection” often steals away our joy
- We should recognize that a “perfect” Christmas isn’t attainable
- This is due in part to the fact that the Christmas celebration is rooted in several sources
- Before we can experience peace, we must have the right outlook of Christ (v.18-20)
- He is the head of all things
- He will reconcile all things to himself
- The peace treaty has been drawn up
- Before we can experience peace, we must have the right outlook on how we see each other and ourselves (v.21-22a)
- We are holy (set apart)
- We are without blemish
- We must see ourselves the way God would have us to
- Before we can experience peace, we must have the right outlook on God the Father (v.22b-23)
- The war is over
- We are free from accusation
- God doesn’t accuse us, Satan does
- Conclusion: Peace comes through the gospel
- We don’t have to labor for perfection to have peace
- We should pursue perfection because it is pursuing Christ
- Christ established a relationship of peace with us through love
youtube link: - Introduction: Have you ever noticed how peace tends to disappear around Christmas time?
- Dec 10, 2017“Joy in Advent” – John 16:16-24
Dec 10, 2017“Joy in Advent” – John 16:16-24By: Jonathan WallerSeries: Advent 2017
“Joy in Advent”
John 16: 16-24
- Introduction: Today we are continuing our celebration of Advent by focusing on the second major theme, joy
- Christmas is a time of season in which we are reminded to have joy
- Belief in God doesn’t come from the Bible
- Belief in God comes when he reveals himself to us
- As children of God, we have every reason to have joy, but we often allow the heavy burdens of this life to make us forget that joy
- Jesus dropped a heavy burden on his disciples
- There is no satisfactory answer for “How long is a little while?”
- With joy we can choose to focus on heavy burdens or to focus on the joy that is found in Christ
- The source of sorrow is the absence of Christ
- Jesus doesn’t abandon his disciples to their sorrow
- Imagine the great sorrow of the disciples when Jesus was crucified
- All our source of sorrow is because of the absence of Christ in our lives or in the lives of others
- We have the assurance of God himself that our grief will turn to joy
- Jesus gives us his disciples four assurances to comfort them and lead them to joy
- Jesus leaves another assurance, granted prayer requests when we ask in his name
- Asking in Jesus’ name isn’t done by tagging “In Jesus name we pray, amen.” to the end of our prayers
- Conclusion: God has and will continue to reveal himself until all has been revealed
- We won’t have sorrows, we won’t even have questions
- This assurance is a great source of joy in the life of a believer
- No matter what we face in the night, joy will come in the morning
- Introduction: Today we are continuing our celebration of Advent by focusing on the second major theme, joy
- Dec 3, 2017“Hope In Advent” – Luke 18:18-30
Dec 3, 2017“Hope In Advent” – Luke 18:18-30By: Jonathan WallerSeries: Advent 2017
“Hope In Advent”
Luke 18:18-30
- Introduction: What are you hoping for this Christmas?
- We all have a list of things we’re hoping for
- Many of us are broken and feel unable to hope anymore
- Hope that is misplaced leads to disappointment
- There are things that we hope for that we are not encouraged to hope for in scripture
- The rich young ruler put his hope on his own ability to follow the law
- Scripture might be warning us not to put our hope in certain places we usually do
- Our ability to somehow hope again isn’t going to be developed from within
- The rich young ruler went away broken because there are some things that we have an inability to do
- We likewise might have a belief in our own abilities that isn’t realistic
- If we don’t know where we have inabilities, God will be happy to show us
- Hope that’s placed in Christ is hope that doesn’t disappoint
- God will show us our weaknesses so that we will rely upon Christ for strength
- Hope in Christ comes with certain assurances
- There are things that hope in Christ guarantee
- Conclusion: Broken hope is a great place to start with Jesus
- Instead of pretending that we’re better off than we really are, we should simply ask the Lord to help us where we are
- God will always send deliverance to those who ask for it, that’s what Christmas is all about
- Introduction: What are you hoping for this Christmas?
- Nov 26, 2017“Right God, Wrong Religion” – John 6:22-40
Nov 26, 2017“Right God, Wrong Religion” – John 6:22-40By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Right God, Wrong Religion”
John 6:22-40
- Introduction: Probably one of the most offensive things we can say to a Jew or a Muslim is, “You have the right God, but you have the wrong religion!”
- How the big three (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity) each came from the God of Abraham
- Not only do Jews and Muslims have the right God and wrong religion, it’s also possible for Christians to have the right God and wrong religion
- We might have the Right Jesus in the Wrong Place
- We might not notice the Real Jesus is missing from our faith
- Jesus’ genuine disciples moved when he moved
- Some never allow Jesus to move from the head to the heart
- We might have the Right Jesus for the Wrong Reason
- These Jews didn’t start looking for Jesus until they got hungry again
- Jesus meets our needs, but his focus isn’t just on our needs
- Our genuine needs are revealed to us by the Father
- We might have the Right Jesus but the Wrong Doctrine
- We might base our faith in God off of works not grace
- The Jewish faith is based off of how to please God by doing works
- Jesus told them in order to get God’s approval is simply to believe
- Conclusion: When these things happen, we tend to put the wrong person onto a pedestal
- We have to stop looking to things that don’t fill us and find how to have an abundant life in Christ
- When we do, we can have the assurance of salvation and be freed from the fear of death
- Introduction: Probably one of the most offensive things we can say to a Jew or a Muslim is, “You have the right God, but you have the wrong religion!”
- Nov 12, 2017Strongholds: Knocking Down Walls
Nov 12, 2017Strongholds: Knocking Down WallsBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Stand Alone MessagesA message addressing how Satan attacks us and how we can fight back.
- Oct 29, 2017John 6:1-21 – “Sea of Doubt”
Oct 29, 2017John 6:1-21 – “Sea of Doubt”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Sea of Doubt”
John 6:1-21
- Introduction: Do you ever wonder if God is really there?
- All of us have skepticism from time to time
- Much of the skepticism regarding Christ is around his miracles
- Many of the miracles Jesus did were on or around the sea of Galilee, which makes it the biggest area of skepticism
- Jesus fed the 5000
- Is this a story that’s just been exaggerated over the years?
- Mana from heaven is a foreshadowing of Jesus
- This was a picture of the Passover and lead to Jesus’ big revelation that he is the Bread of Life
- Jesus walked on water
- Was he really walking in ankle deep water?
- How did Peter almost drown in ankle deep water?
- Jesus has control over nature and can change the rules because he made them
- Jesus transported his disciples
- Did his disciples just underestimate how far they had travelled?
- Maybe there was a heavy fog
- If Jesus really moved them to where they needed to go, what could he do with us?
- They didn’t need to be in Galilee, they needed to be with him
- Did his disciples just underestimate how far they had travelled?
- Conclusion: Jesus won’t fault you for doubt, faith is a gift from God
- God will help us with our disbelief if we ask him to
- If Jesus really could do all of these things, imagine what he can do with your life
- Introduction: Do you ever wonder if God is really there?
- Oct 15, 2017John 5:16-47 – “Trial of the Millennium”
Oct 15, 2017John 5:16-47 – “Trial of the Millennium”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Trial of the Millennium”
John 5:16-47
- Introduction: Do you imagine judgment as a case in court?
- Typically, there are 5 parts to a case in court: Initial appearance, Arraignment, Trial, Sentencing, & Appeal
- Judgments in court give weight to similar court cases
- What if our understanding of judgment in scripture is misunderstood?
- The Jews put Jesus on trial in their minds
- The Jews were the judge, jury & executioners in their own mind
- Jesus was accused of having Satan represent him
- There is no appeal after Jesus
- Jesus wasn’t really on trial, all of mankind is, and he is the judge
- Our understanding of where others are standing in court isn’t biblical
- Jesus is going to use a very simple standard for judgment
- The law isn’t on our side
- The Jews looked to Moses for defense
- Moses isn’t their defense, he’s the prosecutor
- Conclusion: If our understanding of judgment is misunderstood, we might be building the wrong defense
- All we need is Jesus
- Do you know him?
- Introduction: Do you imagine judgment as a case in court?
- Sep 24, 2017John 5.1-18 – “Nice Guys Finish Last”
Sep 24, 2017John 5.1-18 – “Nice Guys Finish Last”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Nice Guys Finish Last”
John 5:1-18
- Introduction: Have you ever been picked last?
- Nice guys finish last, but God has a greater story
- In every good story, there are 5 major components
- The Characters, the Setting, the Plot, the Conflict, the Resolution
- God knows our Character, Setting & Plot
- This man sat for 38 years waiting for healing, watching the pool of water
- “Do you want to get well?”
- Take up your mat and walk
- God seems to ignore our Conflict
- Why doesn’t Jesus heal everyone?
- Jesus leaves before this man knew who he was!
- This man’s healing was an exception, not the rule
- God brings an unexpected Resolution
- This man headed to the temple to thank God
- God is more concerned with holiness than healing
- We must take our eyes off of the pool and place them on Jesus
- Conclusion: God wants to use our story to impact the lives of others
- In this world, nice guys still finish last; but the last will be first in the kingdom of God
- Jesus tells people “My father is always working…”
- If we want revival, we have to be better than nice, we have to be good; we must work where the Father is working; we must show up in the places where Jesus is
- Introduction: Have you ever been picked last?
- Sep 17, 2017John 4:43-54 – “Losing Our Patience”
Sep 17, 2017John 4:43-54 – “Losing Our Patience”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Losing Our Patience”
John 4:43-54
- Introduction: Do you hate waiting?
- Companies are counting on you not waiting
- We hate waiting because of boredom, anxiety, and uncertainty
- Despite our desire for instant gratification, Jesus knew how to wait
- Jesus is patient with our immaturity
- Jesus left people who received him when he spoke and went to a people who rejected him even when they saw miracles
- Tenure does not equal Maturity
- People who have been around Jesus the longest are often the hardest people to reach
- We prove our immaturity when we try to barter with God
- God doesn’t accept our barter system currency
- Jesus heals the man’s son despite his guilt
- The man only came to Jesus out of desperation
- Jesus is aware of our immaturity and ministers to us anyway
- Jesus is patient because he knows the reward
- He endured not only waiting, but suffering
- He did it all for you
- Conclusion: Jesus made an exchange but he didn’t use our barter system
- He gave his life in advance
- If we’re bored, full of anxiety or uncertainty, Jesus is the answer
- Introduction: Do you hate waiting?
- Sep 3, 2017“Politically Correct Christ?” – John 4:27-42
Sep 3, 2017“Politically Correct Christ?” – John 4:27-42By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Politically Correct Christ?”
John 4:27-42
- Introduction: Are you ever amazed at how divided our country is?
- Our culture is constantly bombarded with offensive messages
- Jesus responds with an offensive message of his own
- Jesus’ offensive words weren’t about Feminism
- Women in Biblical times
- Women today
- Jesus is your advocate
- Jesus’ offensive words weren’t about Race
- Biblical Racism
- Racism today
- Jesus is your advocate
- Jesus’ offensive words were directed towards his disciples
- Despite Jesus’ offensive words, those who have been given spiritual eyes love to talk about him
- They love to do his work
- They love to be in his presence
- Conclusion: Jesus seems to overlook being politically correct and instead focuses on the messages his disciples need to hear
- We have been called to talk about him, do his work and stay in his presence
- This can’t be done by trying harder or by emulating another person, we must do what Jesus said to his disciples
- We must lift up our eyes
- Introduction: Are you ever amazed at how divided our country is?
- Aug 20, 2017“Dying of Thirst” – John 4:1-26
Aug 20, 2017“Dying of Thirst” – John 4:1-26By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Dying of Thirst”
John 4:1-26
- Introduction: Have you ever been thirsty, I mean REALLY thirsty?
- What happens to our bodies when we become really thirsty
- Spiritual thirst has similar effects on our bodies and lives
- We often do things that increase our thirst
- Our Prejudice can keep us thirsty
- What’s important about this well?
- Why were there such prejudices between the Jews and the Samaritans?
- Jesus says this woman wasn’t able to overcome her prejudices because of her ignorance
- Our Pride can keep us thirsty
- She came to the well alone, why?
- Pride causes us to deflect away from the most painful parts of our spiritual need
- Jesus saw through her pride and was able to address her deep spiritual need
- Our Traditions can keep us thirsty
- How they worshiped at the mountain and why the Jews said it wasn’t legitimate worship anymore
- Jesus showed that worship isn’t limited to a place and time
- We shouldn’t ask, “How does the church have to be done?” we should ask, “Where is it that the church cannot go?”
- Conclusion: God wants genuine fellowship with us
- He’s willing to bypass our prejudices, our pride and our traditions to have it; the question is, are we?
- Church often becomes a headquarters of prejudice, pride and tradition and is unwilling to change
- People who are unwilling to change will never be used by God as a catalyst for change; they will stay thirsty
- Introduction: Have you ever been thirsty, I mean REALLY thirsty?
- Aug 13, 2017John 3:22-36 – “Spiritual Jealousy”
Aug 13, 2017John 3:22-36 – “Spiritual Jealousy”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Spiritual Jealousy”
John 3:22-36
- Introduction: Have you ever suffered from Spiritual Jealousy?
- Spiritual Jealousy is when you’re envious of the spiritual activity happening in the life of someone else
- The Apostle John records an incident in John the Baptist’s ministry that reflects how we might overcome spiritual jealousy
- Spiritual Jealousy usually surfaces when something we’re doing has started to lose traction or things don’t go as planned
- It happens when we start to view other churches as competition and not cooperation
- Conflict within John the Baptist’s Ministry happened because of the unrest in their hearts
- Spiritual Jealousy should show us something is wrong
- When we have unrest, it should cause us to ask the question, “Why can’t I be happy?” and look for an answer
- There are many reasons why people might serve the Lord
- Nicodemus’ agenda as well as John the Baptist’s disciples agenda for Jesus is not much unlike our own
- Spiritual Jealousy must be replaced with a servant’s heart
- God has one purpose; to glorify the Son, Jesus Christ, so that he might bring glory to himself
- We don’t get to share in that Glory and those with servant’s hearts don’t want to
- Conclusion: To follow Christ we must not only believe in Jesus, we must believe “into” him
- When we abandon our agendas, there is enough room in our hearts for joy
- When Jesus becomes our focus, others bringing glory to him fills us with Joy not jealousy
- Introduction: Have you ever suffered from Spiritual Jealousy?
- Jul 23, 2017“Free Wouldn’t” – John 3:1-10
Jul 23, 2017“Free Wouldn’t” – John 3:1-10By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Free Wouldn’t”
John 3:1-10
- Introduction: People often try to explain how a good God can be all powerful by suggesting that he gives us free will
- Free will exists in the Bible, just not in the way we want it to
- Our definition of free will is that we have equal authority over our decision making as God (if not stand above him)
- If we truly had free will, we free wouldn’t
- It’s possible to be religious and not be born again
- Nicodemus was a heavily religious man, but he was not born again
- He had done everything he could do to be right with God but it still wasn’t enough
- All who are born again are born of the Spirit
- The Spirit does what He wants
- We know how to recognize the Spirit, but we cannot predict his moves unless he reveals himself to us
- Everyone who has been born again have been given the right to be called a child of God
- Everything in the OT preludes to how salvation works
- If Nicodemus truly understood the OT the way he received credit from men, he would have understood the truth of Jesus’ words
- We can study the Bible and even teach it, but still not understand the things of the spirit
- Conclusion: Free will exists in the Bible, but only in the hands of God and those the spirit has enabled
- We can either feel threatened by this truth or thrilled
- We must not see God taking from us that which we treasure most, but instead see God’s will for what it is, the sovereign deliverance of what we should treasure most; eternal life in Christ
- Introduction: People often try to explain how a good God can be all powerful by suggesting that he gives us free will
- Jul 16, 2017“Relationships > Religion” – John 2:12-25
Jul 16, 2017“Relationships > Religion” – John 2:12-25By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Relationship > Religion”
John 2:12-25
- Introduction: What is more precious to you, religion or relationships?
- There are some ways you can tell what is more precious to you
- Religion is prioritized when your worship becomes commercialized
- Religion is prioritized when your worship becomes exclusive
- Religion is prioritized when your worship becomes another program
- Conclusion: Relationship is prioritized in Jesus through the destruction and rebuilding of his temple
- Jesus will come in and tear up what we often put on a pedestal to show us what’s most important
- Introduction: What is more precious to you, religion or relationships?
- Jul 9, 2017“The Jesus Mold” John 2:1-11
Jul 9, 2017“The Jesus Mold” John 2:1-11By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“The Jesus Mold”
John 2:1-11
- Introduction: Are there some places you are unwilling to invite Jesus to?
- If we refuse to invite Jesus in, it should show us that we already have a picture of what Jesus is like and what he’s going to do
- It’s important that we get a correct picture of Jesus so that he is welcome in all the areas of our lives
- Jesus should be welcome at our celebrations
- If Jesus is invited to our celebrations, he will likely change our relationships
- Jesus changed the relationship with his own mother
- When Jesus is invited into our circles of friends, our relationships are enhanced to meet their true potential
- Jesus should be welcome in our work places
- If Jesus is invited into our work places, he will likely change our practices
- Jesus made alterations to Jewish practices
- When Jesus is invited into our workplaces, our practices will no longer be the focus, instead our practices will fall in line
- Jesus should be welcome in our hearts
- If Jesus is invited into our hearts, he might change our priorities
- Jesus changed the priorities of his disciples
- When Jesus is given full authority over our hearts, our priorities will give us true purpose
- Conclusion: Sometimes we tend to think that the only way we can welcome Jesus into every aspect of our lives is if he conforms to fit our mold
- Jesus is never going to be everything we want him to be
- Jesus is everything we want ourselves to be
- Introduction: Are there some places you are unwilling to invite Jesus to?
- Jul 2, 2017Belie or Believe – John 1:19-51
Jul 2, 2017Belie or Believe – John 1:19-51By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Belie or Believe?”
John 1:19-51
- Introduction
- Do you know anyone who likes to exaggerate?
- Many people discredit God’s word because they believe it contradicts itself in several places
- Contradiction # 1 – John the Baptist says he isn’t Elijah when in other places in the NT Jesus says he is; who should we believe?
- The questions the authorities asked John show they didn’t completely understand the prophecy about the Messiah
- The role of John the Baptist’s ministry was exactly what was prophesied
- There are several similarities between Elijah and John
- Contradiction # 2 – John’s timeline of Jesus’ Baptism and the beginning of his ministry doesn’t line up with the other Gospels
- We must carefully study the Gospels to get a clear picture of what actually happened
- John’s account was after Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness
- Liberties have to be taken to explain further
- Contradiction # 3 – John describes a different account of how the disciples were called and in what order than the other Gospels
- Again, we must carefully study the Gospels to get a clear picture of what actually happened
- There is an “un-named” disciples that has to be John
- This narrative is mostly about how John first met Jesus
- Conclusion:
- The Bible is God’s inspired and infallible word; there is always an explanation even if you don’t know what it is
- If you don’t have an answer, don’t give up! Ask God!
- Introduction
- Jun 25, 2017Visualizing the Invisible God – John 1:1-18
Jun 25, 2017Visualizing the Invisible God – John 1:1-18By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Visualizing the Invisible God”
John 1:1-18
- Introduction
- If you were to try and draw a picture of God so that someone who didn’t know God could see Him, what would your drawing look like?
- If you want to see God, look no further than Jesus Christ
- Jesus shows he is God in that he has done what no other could do
- He was with God in the beginning
- He is greater than John (Elijah or the Prophets)
- He is greater than Moses (Law)
- Jesus shows he is God and all God’s creation was done through him
- Jesus is the spoken word of God by which he created the universe
- His fingerprint is left everywhere you look
- John Ortberg calls Jesus “The man who won’t go away!”
- Jesus shows he is God in that he came to reveal God to us
- He has come to show us God’s nature
- We didn’t recognize him because we had been disillusioned by what we thought we knew about God
- Conclusion:
- If you want others to see God, you are able to do this, not by painting a picture, but by doing what Jesus did
- As Jesus emulated the father by following His lead, so we must emulate Jesus and follow his
- Introduction
- Apr 30, 2017Week 4 – “The Holy Spirit Test”
Apr 30, 2017Week 4 – “The Holy Spirit Test”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: I've Got Spirit
Week 4 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Have you ever been scammed out of money? If so, what happened?
- Do you agree that many Christians are especially gullible of being “Holy Spirit Scammed”? Why or why not?
- What are some common “5-minute” lies that Satan uses on our culture?
- What would you say to someone wearing a shirt that said, “Satan is my Homeboy”?
- Do you think the principle of “If the Bible doesn’t say it, then I’m not going to believe it!” is too extreme? Why or why not?
- Pastor Jon gave us 4 questions to serve as a Holy Spirit Test
- Am I speechless?
- Is this supernatural?
- Is this moving me (or someone else) closer to God?
- Is this all about Jesus or someone else?
- Read 1 John 4:1. Have you ever encountered a false prophet? If so, when and how did you know?
- Read Matthew 24:4-5; 23-27. How does this passage help us to ensure that we aren’t deceived into believing in a different Jesus?
- Apr 23, 2017Week 3 – Right Spirit, Wrong Reasons
Apr 23, 2017Week 3 – Right Spirit, Wrong ReasonsBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: I've Got Spirit
Week 3 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Do you believe some personal motives for marriage can be a good thing? If so, what?
- Have you ever asked the Holy Spirit for something and were disappointed in the end? What did you ask for and why do you think God answered the way he did?
- In a world that is obsessed with Super Heroes, do you think many Christians want the Holy Spirit to amaze or even fit in with the world? Why or why not?
- Does it cause you to rethink asking for help from the Holy Spirit when you understand that not only is he a person, but that he has his own agenda? Why or why not?
- Have you ever seen a time when the church has been separated because of arguments about the Holy Spirit? If so, how?
- Pastor Jon said we can sometimes want the Holy Spirit because we want to bring attention to ourselves. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- Read Mark 8:11-13. Jesus refused to do a miracle to prove himself or to entertain others. Do you think we can often want a miracle for these reasons? Why or why not?
- What do you envision as the perfect relationship with the Holy Spirit?
- Apr 16, 2017Easter Service 2017
- Apr 16, 2017Sunrise Service 2017
Apr 16, 2017Sunrise Service 2017By: Jonathan WallerSeries: Easter 2017
MANUSCRIPT PASSAGES ORIGINAL TEXT DATE OF MANUSCRIPT APPROXIMATE TIME SPAN P52 (John Rylands Fragment) John 18:31-33; 37-38 ~96 AD ~125 AD ~29 years P90 (Oxyrhynchus) John 18:36-19:7 ~96 AD ~150-200 AD ~50-100 years P104 (Oxyrhynchus) Matthew 21:34-37, 43, 45 ~60-65 AD ~150-200 AD ~90-140 years P98 (IFAO)[1] Revelation 1:13-2:1 ~90 AD ~150-200 AD ~50-100 years P46 (Chester Beatty Papyrus) Romans 5:17-6:3, 5-14; 8:15-25, 27-35; 10:1-11.22, 24-33, 35; 16:1-23, 25-27; Hebrews; 1 & 2 Corinthians; Ephesians; Galatians; Philippians; Colossians; 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 9-10; 2:1-3; 5:5-9, 23-28 50’s-70’s AD ~200 AD ~150 years P66 (Bodmer Papyrus) John 1:1-6.11, 6:35-14:26; fragment of 14:29-21:9 70’s AD ~200 AD ~130 years P67 [2] Matthew 3:9, 15; 5:20-22; 25-28 ~60-65 AD ~200 AD ~140 years - Apr 2, 2017Week 2 – I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost!
Apr 2, 2017Week 2 – I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost!By: Jonathan WallerSeries: I've Got Spirit
Week 2 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Pastor Jon said that it’s possible to admire, study about & even worship someone without having a genuine relationship with them. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- Pastor Jon also said that until we surrender to the Holy Spirit, we are simply living powerless, delusional Christian lives. Do you believe this is fair? Why or why not?
- What do you think it means to have God’s law written on our hearts?
- Why do you think it’s better to have God’s law written on our hearts and not on tablets of stone?
- Are you more afraid God won’t show up, or that He will? Why?
- Have you ever felt God’s presence? If so, how would you describe that feeling?
- Read Isaiah 20:3-4. Do you ever feel like God has you walking around stripped and barefoot (figuratively speaking)? Why?
- What are some painful ways God has been conforming you into Christ?
- When was the last time God taught you something new about himself?
- Why do you think God started the Jewish Religion and the Christian Church on the same day 2,000 years later?
- Mar 26, 2017Week 1 – What is the Holy Spirit?
Mar 26, 2017Week 1 – What is the Holy Spirit?By: Jonathan WallerSeries: I've Got Spirit
Week 1 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Why do you think we commonly mistake the Holy Spirt as a thing instead of a person?
- Read John 14:26. What do you think a counselor does & how do you think that relates to the Holy Spirit?
- Do you believe you’re personally more “Charismatic” (outspoken in the Holy Spirit) or more “traditional” (reserved)? Why?
- What do you think people meant when they said, “It feels like the Holy Spirit isn’t welcome…” at our church?
- Do you believe it’s beneficial to imagine our relationship with the Holy Spirit as a marriage? Why or why not?
- Pastor Jon said there is a big difference between the Holy Spirit & natural ability. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- Do you have difficulty seeing the invisible Holy Spirit as an improvement over the physical Jesus Christ? Why or why not?
- Read John 16:12. How does it make you feel to be told by Jesus, “You can’t handle the truth!”?
- When was the last time you experienced the Holy Spirit working? Would you be willing to share? If it’s been a while, why do you think that is?
- Mar 19, 2017Observe The Passover?
Mar 19, 2017Observe The Passover?By: Jonathan WallerSeries: Passover
Small Group Discussion Questions
- The Apostle Paul says in Galatians 3 that if we have faith in Christ, we have been “Grafted In” to the Jewish lineage. Do you believe there is a major difference between your faith and the faith of a Messianic Jew? Why or why not?
- In a debate on Larry King Live between a Messianic Jew and a Jewish Rabbi, the Rabbi argued, “A person cannot be both a Christian and a Jew. You are either one or the other.” Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
- Why do you think the “Seder” or “Order” is so important in the Passover?
- Why do you think Jews have such a hard time correlating the Passover with the life of Jesus Christ?
- Have you experienced a time when your “sour” turned “sweet”? If so, when?
- Do you believe the way we observe communion (the Lord’s Supper) is incorrect? Why or why not?
- Read Exodus 12:15. Do you believe this verse commands us to observe the Passover? Why or why not?
- Mar 12, 2017Simplify – Week 6: Simple Purpose
Mar 12, 2017Simplify – Week 6: Simple PurposeBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Simplify
Week 6 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Sometimes we prioritize our dreams and ambitions and can put God’s agenda for us on the back burner. Do you think this is why a lot of believers live complicated lives? Why or why not?
- Read Romans 8:28-29. The Apostle Paul said that God’s purpose is for us to become like Christ. Do you believe this looks different for each person? Why or why not?
- Do you believe it’s still difficult to give blind obedience to God when we understand that God’s ultimate goal is to conform us into the image Christ? Why or why not?
- Does it bother you that God could lead us to suffer greatly for his glory (just like He did with Christ)? Why or why not?
- Pastor Jon said his “life-verse” isn’t the same as his “favorite verse”. Do you think there has to be a difference between the two? Why or why not?
- Do you have a favorite verse, and/or a life-life verse? If so, would you be willing to share?
- Pastor Jon said that your life-verse will be unique to the calling that God has placed on your life. Do you believe that two people with separate callings can cling to the same life-verse? Why or why not?
- Does it make sense how seeing, reciting, and memorizing a passage of scripture can keep us grounded in our purpose? Why or why not?
- Read Mark 4:20. This is the life-verse of our church. Do you believe it accurately reminds us that our mission is to take-root, grow & bear fruit? Why or why not?
- Mar 5, 2017Simplify – Week 5: Simple Friendships
Mar 5, 2017Simplify – Week 5: Simple FriendshipsBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Simplify
Week 5 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Do you have any relationships in your life that are “complicated”? If so, how could they be simplified without hurting others?
- Have you ever experienced a scenario where “stupid rubbed off” on you? Would you be willing to share?
- Read Proverbs 13:20. Do you believe it is possible to have foolish friends and be wise? Why or why not?
- Do you believe it’s wrong to “judge” our friends? If so, how then can we evaluate our friendships?
- Read 1 Corinthians 15:11. How can we reconcile this verse with our responsibility to share the Gospel?
- How can we walk away from people who display Solomon’s 7 “red flags” without being guilty of haughty eyes (looking down on others)?
- Do you have friends that seem to pull you away from God? Could some of your friends say the same thing about you?
- Can you think of someone in your life you want to be more like? If so, who? How much time do you spend with them?
- Feb 26, 2017Simplify – Week 4: Simple Forgiveness
Feb 26, 2017Simplify – Week 4: Simple ForgivenessBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Simplify
Week 4 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Sometimes we underestimate how much damage a torn relationship can do in the long run. Have you ever experienced this scenario? If so, how?
- Pastor Jon said that we can generally tell where our spiritual maturity is by how we react when we’re sinned against. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- Bill Hybels offers three categories for offense, Minor Offenses, Legitimate Wounds, and Life-Shattering Offenses. Do you feel that these three categories accurately categorize wrong doing? Why or why not?
- Do you believe we should just over look all Minor Offenses? Why or why not?
- Read Matthew 18:15. Bill Hybels believes that correctly applying this one verse will resolve about 90% of all disagreements. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Can you think of a scenario where it won’t work?
- How difficult is it for you to “Let it Go” when people refuse to reconcile with you?
- When someone experiences a Category 3 Offense (a life shattering offense) there are no words to comfort them. So what would you say to them to help them look down the road for forgiveness one day?
- Read 1 Peter 4:13. Do you think this verse communicates that God allows bad things to happen so that we will grow in Christ? Why or why not?
- Feb 19, 2017Simplify – Week 3: Simple Schedule
Feb 19, 2017Simplify – Week 3: Simple ScheduleBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Simplify
Week 3 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Solomon’s most consistent message in the book of Ecclesiastes is that everything we pursue outside of God is “meaningless” or “vanity”. Do you think there might be something you are pursuing that is “meaningless”? If so, what?
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Do you believe there is an appropriate time to kill and hate? If so, can you share an example?
- Pastor Jon said that we often allow ourselves to be taken hostage by our schedules. Do you believe we have as much control over our schedules that he seems to suggest? Why or why not?
- Would you ever consider allowing a trusted friend to say what they thought your priorities are? Why or why not?
- Read Luke 14:26. Have you ever felt like you had to choose between God and Family? If so, when?
- Andy Stanley and his wife Sandra wrote down two goals for their family (#1, They wouldn’t be the couple that had nothing in common when their children left the home, #2, To make their home a place their kids wanted to be when they were old enough to move out). How do you think these two goals can be accomplished?
- What are some luxuries that are easily confused as necessities?
- What are some things you think you can do to have a simplified schedule?
- Feb 12, 2017Simplify – Week 2: Simple Finances
Feb 12, 2017Simplify – Week 2: Simple FinancesBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Simplify
Week 2 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Do you currently feel as if you have control over your finances or that your finances have control over you? Why?
- Read 1 Timothy 6:9-10. From this passage, do you believe it’s wrong to be wealthy? Why or why not?
- Why do you think it’s difficult for people to understand that everything they work for belongs to the Lord?
- Read Proverbs 22:7. Do you believe that there’s such a thing as good debt & bad debt (Dave Ramsey)? Or do would you argue that all debt is ungodly (Bill Hybels)? Why?
- Read Malachi 3:9-10. Do you feel that not giving 10% of your income is actually robbing God? Why or why not?
- Do you usually give to those asking for money on the side of the road? Why or why not? Do you believe that Jesus would support you in your conviction?
- Would you support the belief that God directs us each to give in different ways? Why or why not?
- What do you believe your first step was (or will be) to having peace with your finances? Why?
- Feb 5, 2017Simplify – Week 1: Running on Empty
Feb 5, 2017Simplify – Week 1: Running on EmptyBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Simplify
Week 1 - Small Group Discussion Questions
- Read John 10:10. Do you think people tend to see this verse in reverse (that Jesus steals away enjoyment and the devil brings it)? Why or why not?
- Pastor Jon said that living w/ simplicity means walking away from innumerable opportunities to take advantage of an incredible, God-ordained opportunity. Has this ever happened to you? If so, how?
- If you were to gauge your “fullness” on a “life bucket”, are you full, empty, or somewhere in between?
- What are things like for you when you’re running on a full tank?
- What are things like for you when you’re running on empty?
- Bill Hybel says, “When you’re running on empty, you’re not only hard to be around, you’re dangerous.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
- What sort of things fill up your bucket and what sort of things drain you?
- Read Romans 15:13. Have you ever been “overflowing” with joy and peace? If so, when? If you’re not sure, can you remember a time when someone else was overflowing with joy and peace? What gave you that impression?
- Jan 29, 2017All About Entitlement – Part IV: “DisEntitled”
Jan 29, 2017All About Entitlement – Part IV: “DisEntitled”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: All About EntitleMEnt
Small Group Discussion Questions
- Read Genesis 2:15. Before sin entered the world, God had already instructed Adam to work. This should show us that work isn’t a curse, hard work is. What do you think are some differences between Adam’s original work and ours?
- When Joshua told the people that if they wanted something, they were going to have to go out and work for it, they responded with complaints & excuses. Does this sound familiar? If so, how?
- Society teaches us that if you make a big enough scene, we can get what we want. Where are some places this practice works & where are some areas where this practice won’t?
- Henry Cloud says that to help an entitled person, we have to help them want something better for themselves. What are some ways we can do this?
- When complaints and excuses came Joshua’s way, he stuck to his guns. Why do you think it’s so easy to cave when we meet resistance?
- Pastor Jon said that eradicating entitlement is a life or death situation. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
- Sometimes people come to faith believing that God is a genie in a bottle and end up walking away from God because it wasn’t what they signed up for. Do you think we are doing anything that might help contribute to this belief? If so, what?
- Jan 22, 2017All About EntitleMEnt – Part III: Doing Things The Hard Way
Jan 22, 2017All About EntitleMEnt – Part III: Doing Things The Hard WayBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: All About EntitleMEnt
Part 3 of 4 in the "All About EntitleMEnt" Series.
Small Group Discussion Questions
- How easy is it for you to feel responsible for the attitude of entitlement in others? Why?
- Can you describe a time when you did what was right, even when it was hard?
- Read James 4:17. Do you think James is saying the easy way is the way of sin? Why or why not?
- What kind of baggage do you think you’re carrying that may make it easy on others to choose an attitude of entitlement?
- Do you believe there is such a thing as too much of a good thing? Why or why not?
- Jesus continually gave us an example of doing things the hard way because every time it was the right thing to do. What do you think we can do to strengthen our relationship with him and do the right thing when it’s hard for us?
- Sometimes when we do what’s right, it means we face accusations of not doing what is right. What do you think are some necessary things in our lives to help us to endure these accusations?
- Read Proverbs 21:5. God would rather you do what is right than to sin and ask for forgiveness later. Do you think this verse a comfort to those who find themselves in a sinful lifestyle? Why or why not?
- Jan 15, 2017All About EntitleMEnt – Part II: Entitlement in Church
Jan 15, 2017All About EntitleMEnt – Part II: Entitlement in ChurchBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: All About EntitleMEnt
Part 2 of 4. This sermon addresses one of the hardest places to address and stamp out an attitude of unrighteous entitlement; in the church.
Small Group Discussion Questions
- Do you feel uncomfortable with the idea that there are some things you are righteously entitled to? Why or why not?
- Do you believe it’s difficult to differentiate between righteous and unrighteous entitlement? Why or why not?
- It’s so easy to feel like the church belongs to us and that we should continue doing what we love and enjoy. Why do you think it’s important for us to keep in mind that the church doesn’t belong to us?
- Is there a direction the modern-day church is moving in that you’re uncomfortable with? If so, why?
- How do you often feel when you read something your younger self wrote? Why do think you feel that way?
- What do you think the qualifications will be for sitting at the right and left hand of Jesus and who, if you had to think of someone, would be sitting there?
- Have you considered what kind of persecution you might experience following Christ? If so, how do you think you will be able to endure it?
- Do you ever feel like you’re Jesus best friend (or maybe that you’re his favorite)? Why or why not?
- Read Matthew 20:27-30. What do you think Jesus is communicating and why it is so important for each of us to understand?
- Jan 8, 2017All About EntitleMEnt: Part I – “Entitlement Runs Deep”
Jan 8, 2017All About EntitleMEnt: Part I – “Entitlement Runs Deep”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: All About EntitleMEntThis is the first message in a four part series called "All About EntitleMEnt" where the "root of all our problems" is addressed.Small Group Discussion Questions
- Do you think the attitude of entitlement is worse today than it was 10 or 20 years ago? Why or why not?
- Why do you think it’s easier to detect entitlement in others than it is in ourselves?
- In Dr. Henry Cloud’s book, “The Entitlement Cure,” he says we “choose” to be entitled because it’s easy. Do you really believe that entitlement is a choice? Why or why not?
- Why do you think it’s easy to make excuses for our entitled loved ones (even ourselves)? What kind of excuses do you think we commonly make?
- How would you try to discern the difference between someone really needing help and someone who is trying to take advantage because of an entitled attitude?
- How can we praise and reward our children without praising and rewarding what takes no effort, what is required, what is not specific, or show a complete lack of warmth?
- If you had to choose, would you rather be a person who is consistently taken advantage of or a person who never helps? Do you think there will be a difference when standing before God at judgment? Why or why not?
- How would you try to communicate that an entitled person needs to take responsibility for their life?
- Read Galatians 6:7-8. What do you think this verse is communicating and why it is so important for each of us to understand?
- Aug 21, 2016Instant Gratification Monkey
Aug 21, 2016Instant Gratification MonkeyBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: I.G.M.Have you ever made a foolish decision and wondered what in the world was going on in your brain? This message might help explain the inner workings of your mind.
- Jul 31, 2016Part IV – “Christian Hypocrisy”
Jul 31, 2016Part IV – “Christian Hypocrisy”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: Why Are You A Christian?Do you avoid church like the plague because of all the hypocrisy inside it? This is the final part in a 4 part series called, "Why are you a Christian?" where we're going to discuss how hypocrisy only becomes a problem when Christians promote the wrong message.
- Jul 24, 2016Part III – Science vs. Religion
Jul 24, 2016Part III – Science vs. ReligionBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Why Are You A Christian?Do you believe that if you become a Christian it means you can't use your brain anymore? This is the third part in a four part series called "Why are you a Christian?" where we're going to talk about how science and faith aren't at odds with each another, they reinforce one another.
- Jul 17, 2016Part II – “Coexist”
Jul 17, 2016Part II – “Coexist”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: Why Are You A Christian?Do you believe that being a Christian means that you have to be intolerant of all other beliefs? This is the second part in a four part series called "Why are you a Christian?" where we're going to discuss why in the world we can't all get along.
- Jul 10, 2016Part I – “God’s Morality”
Jul 10, 2016Part I – “God’s Morality”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: Why Are You A Christian?Are you able to explain why you believe what you believe? This is the first part in a four part series called "Why Are You A Christian?" where we're going to respond to an argument that commonly calls God's goodness into question.
- Jul 3, 2016Part 2
Jul 3, 2016Part 2By: Jonathan WallerSeries: What is the Bible?Do you know what the Bible has done that no other book has? This is the second part in a two part series called, "What is the Bible?" where Pastor Jon is going to refute 5 common arguments against the validity of scripture.
- Jun 26, 2016Part 1
Jun 26, 2016Part 1By: Jonathan WallerSeries: What is the Bible?Do you believe that the Bible is God's inspired word? If so, do you know why? This is the first part in a two part series were we're going to discuss what the Bible is, who wrote it and why you can trust that it is the inspired word of God.
- Jun 19, 2016Part VI – Rewind
Jun 19, 2016Part VI – RewindBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Follow MeDo you ever wish you had a rewind button? Sometimes regrets keeps us from moving closer to God. In this final part to a six part series called "Follow Me", Pastor Jon gives a Biblical example of how Jesus always meets us where we are and knows what to say to motivate us to follow him.
- Jun 12, 2016Part V – Crossroads
Jun 12, 2016Part V – CrossroadsBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Follow MeHave you ever experienced a time when God seemed to lead you in a direction you really didn't want to go? This is the 5th part in a 6 part series called "Follow Me" where we're going to examine what happens when we don't submit to God's agenda.
- Jun 5, 2016Part IV – The Pruning Process
Jun 5, 2016Part IV – The Pruning ProcessBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Follow MeDo you ever feel like there's more to life but you're not sure what it is? This is the 4th part in a 6 part series where we're going to be talking about how genuine discipleship has a process to a life of fulfillment.
- May 29, 2016Part III – Disciples Make Disciples
May 29, 2016Part III – Disciples Make DisciplesBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Follow MeDo you ever feel like you should be doing more as a follower of Jesus Christ? This is part 3 in a 6 part series called "Follow Me" where we're going to talk about the one thing that Jesus actually commanded us to do and how it's more than enough to keep us busy.
- May 22, 2016Part II – Read the Fine Print
May 22, 2016Part II – Read the Fine PrintBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Follow MeDo you feel frustrated because you've been a Christian for a while but you're just finding out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus? This is the second part in a six part series called "Follow Me" where we're going to talk about why it's so important to read the fine print of what it means to follow Jesus.
- May 15, 2016Part I – Follow the Leader
May 15, 2016Part I – Follow the LeaderBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Follow MeDo you ever feel confused trying to keep up with all of the rules of what it means to be a Christian? This is the first part in a six part series called "Follow Me" where we're going to talk about how Jesus gave us a much simpler way to be his disciple.
- May 8, 2016Part IV: Godly Vision
May 8, 2016Part IV: Godly VisionBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Everyday EvangelismDo you feel like you need an attitude adjustment when it comes to evangelism? In this message, Pastor Jon talks about how our attitude can't help but to be adjusted when you get a glimpse of how God sees people.
- May 1, 2016Part III: Your Before & After
May 1, 2016Part III: Your Before & AfterBy: Jonathan WallerSeries: Everyday EvangelismHave you ever met someone who claimed to be a Christian but sure didn't act like it? In this message, we're going to investigate why it's so important to talk the talk AND walk the walk.