Dec 16, 2018
John 20:30-31 – “The Highlights”
By: Jonathan Waller
Series: The Gospel John
"The Highlights"
John 20:30-31
- Dec 16, 2018John 20:30-31 – “The Highlights”
Dec 16, 2018John 20:30-31 – “The Highlights”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"The Highlights"
John 20:30-31
- Dec 9, 2018John 20:19-29 – “Dangerous Ideas”
Dec 9, 2018John 20:19-29 – “Dangerous Ideas”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Dangerous Ideas"
John 20:19-29
- Dec 2, 2018John 20:1-18 – “Suspension of Disbelief”
Dec 2, 2018John 20:1-18 – “Suspension of Disbelief”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Suspension of Disbelief"
John 20:1-18
- Nov 25, 2018John 19:17-42 – “All According To Plan”
Nov 25, 2018John 19:17-42 – “All According To Plan”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"All According To Plan"
John 19:17-42
- Nov 18, 2018John 19:1-16 – “Between The Rock & A Hard Place”
Nov 18, 2018John 19:1-16 – “Between The Rock & A Hard Place”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Between The Rock & A Hard Place"
John 19:1-16
- Oct 21, 2018John 18:1-11 – “Church Hurts”
Oct 21, 2018John 18:1-11 – “Church Hurts”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Church Hurts"
John 18:1-11
- Oct 14, 2018John 17:20-26 – “Unity”
Oct 14, 2018John 17:20-26 – “Unity”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John"Unity"John 17:20-26A message that focuses on the ultimate desire of Christ for the church. A pray for unity.
- Oct 7, 2018John 17:6-19 – “Guarded”
Oct 7, 2018John 17:6-19 – “Guarded”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
John 17:6-19
- Sep 16, 2018John 16:16-32 – “Abandoned and Alone”
Sep 16, 2018John 16:16-32 – “Abandoned and Alone”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Abandoned and Alone"
John 16:16-32
- Sep 9, 2018John 16:1-15 – “Heads Up”
Sep 9, 2018John 16:1-15 – “Heads Up”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Heads Up"
John 16:1-15
- Sep 2, 2018John 15:8-27 – “Chain Reaction”
Sep 2, 2018John 15:8-27 – “Chain Reaction”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Chain Reaction"
John 15:8-27
- Aug 26, 2018John 15:1-8 – “God Works”
Aug 26, 2018John 15:1-8 – “God Works”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"God Works"
John 15:1-8
- Aug 19, 2018John 14:18-31 – “Wait For It”
Aug 19, 2018John 14:18-31 – “Wait For It”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Wait For It"
John 14:18-31
- Aug 12, 2018John 14:12-17 – “What Is That Supposed To Mean?”
Aug 12, 2018John 14:12-17 – “What Is That Supposed To Mean?”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"What is That Supposed to Mean?
John 14:12-17
- Aug 5, 2018John 14:1-11 – “Lazy River: Drifting Away From God”
Aug 5, 2018John 14:1-11 – “Lazy River: Drifting Away From God”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Lazy River"
John 14:1-11
- Jul 22, 2018John 13:1-20 – “Gonna Have to Trust Me”
Jul 22, 2018John 13:1-20 – “Gonna Have to Trust Me”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Gonna Have to Trust Me"
John 13:1-20
- Jun 17, 2018John 12:12-19 – “Whose Side Are You On?”
Jun 17, 2018John 12:12-19 – “Whose Side Are You On?”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Whose Side Are You On?"
John 12:12-19
- Jun 3, 2018John 12:1-11 – “Wasted”
- May 27, 2018John 11:45-57 “Facing Your Shadow”
May 27, 2018John 11:45-57 “Facing Your Shadow”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Facing Your Shadow"
John 11:45-57
- May 20, 2018John 11:1-44 – “Here Lies Death”
May 20, 2018John 11:1-44 – “Here Lies Death”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Here Lies Death"
John 11:1-44
- May 13, 2018John 10:22-42 – “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”
May 13, 2018John 10:22-42 – “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
John 10:22-42
- May 6, 2018John 10:1-21 – “Sheep, Wolves, Snakes & Doves”
May 6, 2018John 10:1-21 – “Sheep, Wolves, Snakes & Doves”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
John 10:1-21
- Mar 25, 2018John 9:39-41 – “Bitter Irony”
Mar 25, 2018John 9:39-41 – “Bitter Irony”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Bitter Irony"
John 9:39-41
- Mar 18, 2018John 9:4-38 – “Simple Defense”
Mar 18, 2018John 9:4-38 – “Simple Defense”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Simple Defense"
John 9:4-38
- Mar 11, 2018John 9:1-4 – “Fork in the Road”
Mar 11, 2018John 9:1-4 – “Fork in the Road”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Fork in the Road"
John 9:1-4
- Mar 4, 2018John 8:48-59 “Glory Hound”
Mar 4, 2018John 8:48-59 “Glory Hound”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
"Glory Hound"
John 8:48-59
- Feb 25, 2018John 8:31-47 – “Like Father, Like Son”
Feb 25, 2018John 8:31-47 – “Like Father, Like Son”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Like Father, Like Son”
John 8:31-47
- Introduction: Have you ever wanted to put yourself up for adoption?
- Sometimes we wish we could belong to a different family
- Everyone’s family has problems, even if we can’t see them
- It’s a chilling reality when we discover that we really are our parent’s children
- You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family
- The Jews who believed in Jesus had superficial faith
- Saying you belong to a family doesn’t necessarily make it true
- Jesus’ teachings are the key to truth and the truth sets us free
- The saying, “Like Father, Like Son” is true
- We are greatly influenced by our parents
- Children emulate their parent’s behavior
- When you belong to God’s family, you will recognize his voice
- Blood is thicker than water
- Usually when we say this, we mean that family ties are stronger than friendship, but in truth, that’s not the original message behind this statement
- God is willing to start the adoption process us
- When we belong to the family of God, we will emulate our Father
- Conclusion: Jesus invites everyone to do a paternity test
- Jesus asked, “Can you prove me guilty of sin?”
- The Grace of God allows us to ask the same question and hold each other accountable
- Our desire should be to let others see God in us
- Introduction: Have you ever wanted to put yourself up for adoption?
- Feb 18, 2018John 8:12-30 – “How to Spot A Con Artist”
Feb 18, 2018John 8:12-30 – “How to Spot A Con Artist”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“How to Spot a Con Artist”
John 8:12-30
- Introduction: Have you ever been “conned”?
- Most people have encountered a slick salesman, a fast-talking promoter, or someone with a pathetic sob story
- When cheated, we feel foolish that we didn’t spot the con
- Many people believe Jesus was nothing more than a con man
- Con Artists Typically Push Products We’ve Never Heard Of
- Con men only present products that we’re ignorant of
- Jesus presented a concept that the people were familiar with
- The Jewish leaders kept people in the dark
- Con Artists Want Trust Without Verification
- Con Artists are never who they claim to be
- Jesus stayed in step with the Father
- Jesus offered verification for his identity, but the Pharisees refused to verify his claim
- Con Artists Capitalize off of Impulsive Decisions & Never Sacrifice Anything of Their Own
- Con Artists generally manipulate using time limits against people, but never sacrifice anything of themselves
- If Jesus was a Con Artist, why would he go to the cross?
- We must be careful not to fall for the real con
- Conclusion: The Real Con leads us to believe That We Don’t Need Christ
- We can’t play the comparison game
- We must all recognize our need for Christ
- If we fail to recognize our own sinfulness and surrender our lives over to Christ, we have fallen for the biggest con of all time
- Introduction: Have you ever been “conned”?
- Feb 11, 2018John 8:1-11 – “Completely Exposed”
Feb 11, 2018John 8:1-11 – “Completely Exposed”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Completely Exposed”
John 8:1-11
- Introduction: Have you ever had your sin exposed?
- Nobody enjoys having their sins exposed
- When we feel like we’ve been sinned against, we want justice
- The passage we will study is often a passage used out of context to defend ourselves when we feel exposed
- God’s Law Exposes Our Sin
- Many people have used this passage to suggest that sinning should be excused
- It wasn’t the Pharisees that identified sin, but God’s Law
- The Pharisees did what God’s law required, but not because they were interested in justice
- God’s Law Condemns Us All
- What did Jesus Write in the Dirt?
- Jesus answered without breaking God’s Law
- God’s Law must not be ignored or excused away
- God’s Law, When Broken, Demands Punishment
- Jesus told these men that this woman should be put to death
- Jesus was the only one who could have carried out the execution, but he wasn’t interested in throwing stones
- Jesus came that we might be given a clean slate
- Conclusion: Because Jesus Went to the Cross, We Can Stand Completely Exposed Before God Without Fear of Condemnation
- Jesus Gave up his life as a sin offering for the offenses we have committed against God and others
- God does not take pleasure in punishing our sin
- If God doesn’t take pleasure in punishing our sin, maybe we shouldn’t take pleasure when others are punished
- Introduction: Have you ever had your sin exposed?
- Feb 4, 2018John 7:32-52 – “Just Give Me A Reason”
Feb 4, 2018John 7:32-52 – “Just Give Me A Reason”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Just Give Me A Reason”
John 7:32-52
- Introduction: Have you ever looked for a reason to dislike someone?
- Sometimes we make our minds up and look for the reasons later
- Have you ever been on the opposite side?
- Sometimes we do this with God
- Sometimes we make our minds up for reasons we’d be ashamed to admit
- Jesus refused to play for the “right team”
- So, the Jewish leaders refused him as the Messiah
- Because the Leaders rejected Jesus, the people who looked to them as a spiritual authority were led astray
- When we condemn others, it should show we’re lacking
- The last day of the festival was the greatest celebration
- Spiritual thirst cannot be quenched by worldly things
- Jesus offers living water & in him we will never thirst
- Everything hidden will come to light
- The Pharisees scrambled to stay on the side of righteousness but failed because of their own selfish motives
- The invitation was for them too
- When Jesus speaks, our walls break down
- Conclusion: Jesus gives us reason to love
- For eternal life
- For abundant life
- If you really need a reason, you should allow Jesus to speak
- Introduction: Have you ever looked for a reason to dislike someone?
- Jan 21, 2018John 7:10-31 – “All Bent Out of Shape”
Jan 21, 2018John 7:10-31 – “All Bent Out of Shape”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“All Bent Out of Shape”
John 7:10-31
- Introduction: What would it take for you to get all bent out of shape?
- When do you get offended?
- When have you offended others?
- The modern church is careful not to offend others
- Jesus was offensive
- Nothing is more offensive than the truth
- Jesus spoke the truth because he kept the law (Jesus didn’t act superior, he is superior)
- Jesus offended to heal, not to destroy
- When we’re offended our spiritual maturity is revealed
- Just because you’ve been in church for a long time, it does not mean you are Godly
- Jesus shows us the inconsistencies in our life
- We must learn to make right judgments
- When we’re all bent out of shape, God can straighten us out
- God offends us for growth
- You have freedom to fly off the handle when you get all bent out of shape
- Self-Control is a sign of Spiritual Maturity
- Conclusion: Jesus offends because he loves us
- We must speak the truth in love
- We must look for the love in truth
- Fire burns off impurity
- Introduction: What would it take for you to get all bent out of shape?
- Jan 14, 2018John 7:1-9 – “The Divine Timetable”
Jan 14, 2018John 7:1-9 – “The Divine Timetable”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“The Divine Timetable”
John 7:1-9
- Introduction: Have you ever experienced a time when your plans don’t line up with God’s plans?
- God has a plan
- We can’t change it
- How can we make sure we are never disappointed again?
- This world tells us to go after what we want
- This is evidenced in scripture with Jesus’ brothers
- When we act impulsively (according to our timetable), we almost always regret it
- How can we know when the timing is right?
- Jesus didn’t ask, “What do I want?”, but, “Father, what do you want?”
- Jesus lived on a different time table than his brothers
- God brought Jesus into the world at the perfect time
- Because Jesus was focused on God’s watch, he was able to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit
- God will show us his plan when we abandon ours
- We must learn to say “Not my will, but thy will be done.”
- The smaller times of sacrifice lead to the big ones
- Jesus didn’t serve two masters
- God’s timing is always perfect because his plan is perfect
- It’s difficult for us to trust him because we think we know what good is
- God doesn’t want us to have what is good or better, but what is best
- The only things we have that are truly good are “of God”
- Introduction: Have you ever experienced a time when your plans don’t line up with God’s plans?
- Jan 7, 2018John 6:41-71 – “Come to Your Senses!”
Jan 7, 2018John 6:41-71 – “Come to Your Senses!”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Come to Your Senses!”
John 6:41-71
- Introduction: Have you ever had to sit and watch someone do something foolish and thought, “Oh no! Come to your senses!”
- This can happen with others
- This can happen in scripture
- Does it happen to us?
- Our minds can only take us so far before we will hit a barrier of our own understanding
- We cannot understand the things of the Spirit on our own
- The Jews didn’t understand how Jesus was from heaven, nor did they understand how they were supposed to eat of his flesh to have life
- Jesus doesn’t try to explain it to their senses
- Sometimes we have to surrender & trust God even when we don’t understand
- Without turning over our understanding, we’re only left with one option, and that is to leave
- Many of Jesus’ disciples turned away because they were at a crossroads of losing their understanding
- When we hold onto understanding, we will reach a point when we can’t follow God any longer
- Once we surrender, Jesus takes us to greater understanding
- The 12 surrendered over their understanding to Jesus even when he taught them something they didn’t like
- Because they had nowhere else to go, and stayed as a result, God gave them greater understanding of his statement and even his plan of salvation through Passover
- Conclusion: Heaven is watching us!
- We must fix our eyes on Christ
- Introduction: Have you ever had to sit and watch someone do something foolish and thought, “Oh no! Come to your senses!”
- Nov 26, 2017“Right God, Wrong Religion” – John 6:22-40
Nov 26, 2017“Right God, Wrong Religion” – John 6:22-40By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Right God, Wrong Religion”
John 6:22-40
- Introduction: Probably one of the most offensive things we can say to a Jew or a Muslim is, “You have the right God, but you have the wrong religion!”
- How the big three (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity) each came from the God of Abraham
- Not only do Jews and Muslims have the right God and wrong religion, it’s also possible for Christians to have the right God and wrong religion
- We might have the Right Jesus in the Wrong Place
- We might not notice the Real Jesus is missing from our faith
- Jesus’ genuine disciples moved when he moved
- Some never allow Jesus to move from the head to the heart
- We might have the Right Jesus for the Wrong Reason
- These Jews didn’t start looking for Jesus until they got hungry again
- Jesus meets our needs, but his focus isn’t just on our needs
- Our genuine needs are revealed to us by the Father
- We might have the Right Jesus but the Wrong Doctrine
- We might base our faith in God off of works not grace
- The Jewish faith is based off of how to please God by doing works
- Jesus told them in order to get God’s approval is simply to believe
- Conclusion: When these things happen, we tend to put the wrong person onto a pedestal
- We have to stop looking to things that don’t fill us and find how to have an abundant life in Christ
- When we do, we can have the assurance of salvation and be freed from the fear of death
- Introduction: Probably one of the most offensive things we can say to a Jew or a Muslim is, “You have the right God, but you have the wrong religion!”
- Oct 29, 2017John 6:1-21 – “Sea of Doubt”
Oct 29, 2017John 6:1-21 – “Sea of Doubt”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Sea of Doubt”
John 6:1-21
- Introduction: Do you ever wonder if God is really there?
- All of us have skepticism from time to time
- Much of the skepticism regarding Christ is around his miracles
- Many of the miracles Jesus did were on or around the sea of Galilee, which makes it the biggest area of skepticism
- Jesus fed the 5000
- Is this a story that’s just been exaggerated over the years?
- Mana from heaven is a foreshadowing of Jesus
- This was a picture of the Passover and lead to Jesus’ big revelation that he is the Bread of Life
- Jesus walked on water
- Was he really walking in ankle deep water?
- How did Peter almost drown in ankle deep water?
- Jesus has control over nature and can change the rules because he made them
- Jesus transported his disciples
- Did his disciples just underestimate how far they had travelled?
- Maybe there was a heavy fog
- If Jesus really moved them to where they needed to go, what could he do with us?
- They didn’t need to be in Galilee, they needed to be with him
- Did his disciples just underestimate how far they had travelled?
- Conclusion: Jesus won’t fault you for doubt, faith is a gift from God
- God will help us with our disbelief if we ask him to
- If Jesus really could do all of these things, imagine what he can do with your life
- Introduction: Do you ever wonder if God is really there?
- Oct 15, 2017John 5:16-47 – “Trial of the Millennium”
Oct 15, 2017John 5:16-47 – “Trial of the Millennium”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Trial of the Millennium”
John 5:16-47
- Introduction: Do you imagine judgment as a case in court?
- Typically, there are 5 parts to a case in court: Initial appearance, Arraignment, Trial, Sentencing, & Appeal
- Judgments in court give weight to similar court cases
- What if our understanding of judgment in scripture is misunderstood?
- The Jews put Jesus on trial in their minds
- The Jews were the judge, jury & executioners in their own mind
- Jesus was accused of having Satan represent him
- There is no appeal after Jesus
- Jesus wasn’t really on trial, all of mankind is, and he is the judge
- Our understanding of where others are standing in court isn’t biblical
- Jesus is going to use a very simple standard for judgment
- The law isn’t on our side
- The Jews looked to Moses for defense
- Moses isn’t their defense, he’s the prosecutor
- Conclusion: If our understanding of judgment is misunderstood, we might be building the wrong defense
- All we need is Jesus
- Do you know him?
- Introduction: Do you imagine judgment as a case in court?
- Sep 24, 2017John 5.1-18 – “Nice Guys Finish Last”
Sep 24, 2017John 5.1-18 – “Nice Guys Finish Last”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Nice Guys Finish Last”
John 5:1-18
- Introduction: Have you ever been picked last?
- Nice guys finish last, but God has a greater story
- In every good story, there are 5 major components
- The Characters, the Setting, the Plot, the Conflict, the Resolution
- God knows our Character, Setting & Plot
- This man sat for 38 years waiting for healing, watching the pool of water
- “Do you want to get well?”
- Take up your mat and walk
- God seems to ignore our Conflict
- Why doesn’t Jesus heal everyone?
- Jesus leaves before this man knew who he was!
- This man’s healing was an exception, not the rule
- God brings an unexpected Resolution
- This man headed to the temple to thank God
- God is more concerned with holiness than healing
- We must take our eyes off of the pool and place them on Jesus
- Conclusion: God wants to use our story to impact the lives of others
- In this world, nice guys still finish last; but the last will be first in the kingdom of God
- Jesus tells people “My father is always working…”
- If we want revival, we have to be better than nice, we have to be good; we must work where the Father is working; we must show up in the places where Jesus is
- Introduction: Have you ever been picked last?
- Sep 17, 2017John 4:43-54 – “Losing Our Patience”
Sep 17, 2017John 4:43-54 – “Losing Our Patience”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Losing Our Patience”
John 4:43-54
- Introduction: Do you hate waiting?
- Companies are counting on you not waiting
- We hate waiting because of boredom, anxiety, and uncertainty
- Despite our desire for instant gratification, Jesus knew how to wait
- Jesus is patient with our immaturity
- Jesus left people who received him when he spoke and went to a people who rejected him even when they saw miracles
- Tenure does not equal Maturity
- People who have been around Jesus the longest are often the hardest people to reach
- We prove our immaturity when we try to barter with God
- God doesn’t accept our barter system currency
- Jesus heals the man’s son despite his guilt
- The man only came to Jesus out of desperation
- Jesus is aware of our immaturity and ministers to us anyway
- Jesus is patient because he knows the reward
- He endured not only waiting, but suffering
- He did it all for you
- Conclusion: Jesus made an exchange but he didn’t use our barter system
- He gave his life in advance
- If we’re bored, full of anxiety or uncertainty, Jesus is the answer
- Introduction: Do you hate waiting?
- Sep 3, 2017“Politically Correct Christ?” – John 4:27-42
Sep 3, 2017“Politically Correct Christ?” – John 4:27-42By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Politically Correct Christ?”
John 4:27-42
- Introduction: Are you ever amazed at how divided our country is?
- Our culture is constantly bombarded with offensive messages
- Jesus responds with an offensive message of his own
- Jesus’ offensive words weren’t about Feminism
- Women in Biblical times
- Women today
- Jesus is your advocate
- Jesus’ offensive words weren’t about Race
- Biblical Racism
- Racism today
- Jesus is your advocate
- Jesus’ offensive words were directed towards his disciples
- Despite Jesus’ offensive words, those who have been given spiritual eyes love to talk about him
- They love to do his work
- They love to be in his presence
- Conclusion: Jesus seems to overlook being politically correct and instead focuses on the messages his disciples need to hear
- We have been called to talk about him, do his work and stay in his presence
- This can’t be done by trying harder or by emulating another person, we must do what Jesus said to his disciples
- We must lift up our eyes
- Introduction: Are you ever amazed at how divided our country is?
- Aug 20, 2017“Dying of Thirst” – John 4:1-26
Aug 20, 2017“Dying of Thirst” – John 4:1-26By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Dying of Thirst”
John 4:1-26
- Introduction: Have you ever been thirsty, I mean REALLY thirsty?
- What happens to our bodies when we become really thirsty
- Spiritual thirst has similar effects on our bodies and lives
- We often do things that increase our thirst
- Our Prejudice can keep us thirsty
- What’s important about this well?
- Why were there such prejudices between the Jews and the Samaritans?
- Jesus says this woman wasn’t able to overcome her prejudices because of her ignorance
- Our Pride can keep us thirsty
- She came to the well alone, why?
- Pride causes us to deflect away from the most painful parts of our spiritual need
- Jesus saw through her pride and was able to address her deep spiritual need
- Our Traditions can keep us thirsty
- How they worshiped at the mountain and why the Jews said it wasn’t legitimate worship anymore
- Jesus showed that worship isn’t limited to a place and time
- We shouldn’t ask, “How does the church have to be done?” we should ask, “Where is it that the church cannot go?”
- Conclusion: God wants genuine fellowship with us
- He’s willing to bypass our prejudices, our pride and our traditions to have it; the question is, are we?
- Church often becomes a headquarters of prejudice, pride and tradition and is unwilling to change
- People who are unwilling to change will never be used by God as a catalyst for change; they will stay thirsty
- Introduction: Have you ever been thirsty, I mean REALLY thirsty?
- Aug 13, 2017John 3:22-36 – “Spiritual Jealousy”
Aug 13, 2017John 3:22-36 – “Spiritual Jealousy”By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Spiritual Jealousy”
John 3:22-36
- Introduction: Have you ever suffered from Spiritual Jealousy?
- Spiritual Jealousy is when you’re envious of the spiritual activity happening in the life of someone else
- The Apostle John records an incident in John the Baptist’s ministry that reflects how we might overcome spiritual jealousy
- Spiritual Jealousy usually surfaces when something we’re doing has started to lose traction or things don’t go as planned
- It happens when we start to view other churches as competition and not cooperation
- Conflict within John the Baptist’s Ministry happened because of the unrest in their hearts
- Spiritual Jealousy should show us something is wrong
- When we have unrest, it should cause us to ask the question, “Why can’t I be happy?” and look for an answer
- There are many reasons why people might serve the Lord
- Nicodemus’ agenda as well as John the Baptist’s disciples agenda for Jesus is not much unlike our own
- Spiritual Jealousy must be replaced with a servant’s heart
- God has one purpose; to glorify the Son, Jesus Christ, so that he might bring glory to himself
- We don’t get to share in that Glory and those with servant’s hearts don’t want to
- Conclusion: To follow Christ we must not only believe in Jesus, we must believe “into” him
- When we abandon our agendas, there is enough room in our hearts for joy
- When Jesus becomes our focus, others bringing glory to him fills us with Joy not jealousy
- Introduction: Have you ever suffered from Spiritual Jealousy?
- Jul 23, 2017“Free Wouldn’t” – John 3:1-10
Jul 23, 2017“Free Wouldn’t” – John 3:1-10By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Free Wouldn’t”
John 3:1-10
- Introduction: People often try to explain how a good God can be all powerful by suggesting that he gives us free will
- Free will exists in the Bible, just not in the way we want it to
- Our definition of free will is that we have equal authority over our decision making as God (if not stand above him)
- If we truly had free will, we free wouldn’t
- It’s possible to be religious and not be born again
- Nicodemus was a heavily religious man, but he was not born again
- He had done everything he could do to be right with God but it still wasn’t enough
- All who are born again are born of the Spirit
- The Spirit does what He wants
- We know how to recognize the Spirit, but we cannot predict his moves unless he reveals himself to us
- Everyone who has been born again have been given the right to be called a child of God
- Everything in the OT preludes to how salvation works
- If Nicodemus truly understood the OT the way he received credit from men, he would have understood the truth of Jesus’ words
- We can study the Bible and even teach it, but still not understand the things of the spirit
- Conclusion: Free will exists in the Bible, but only in the hands of God and those the spirit has enabled
- We can either feel threatened by this truth or thrilled
- We must not see God taking from us that which we treasure most, but instead see God’s will for what it is, the sovereign deliverance of what we should treasure most; eternal life in Christ
- Introduction: People often try to explain how a good God can be all powerful by suggesting that he gives us free will
- Jul 16, 2017“Relationships > Religion” – John 2:12-25
Jul 16, 2017“Relationships > Religion” – John 2:12-25By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Relationship > Religion”
John 2:12-25
- Introduction: What is more precious to you, religion or relationships?
- There are some ways you can tell what is more precious to you
- Religion is prioritized when your worship becomes commercialized
- Religion is prioritized when your worship becomes exclusive
- Religion is prioritized when your worship becomes another program
- Conclusion: Relationship is prioritized in Jesus through the destruction and rebuilding of his temple
- Jesus will come in and tear up what we often put on a pedestal to show us what’s most important
- Introduction: What is more precious to you, religion or relationships?
- Jul 9, 2017“The Jesus Mold” John 2:1-11
Jul 9, 2017“The Jesus Mold” John 2:1-11By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“The Jesus Mold”
John 2:1-11
- Introduction: Are there some places you are unwilling to invite Jesus to?
- If we refuse to invite Jesus in, it should show us that we already have a picture of what Jesus is like and what he’s going to do
- It’s important that we get a correct picture of Jesus so that he is welcome in all the areas of our lives
- Jesus should be welcome at our celebrations
- If Jesus is invited to our celebrations, he will likely change our relationships
- Jesus changed the relationship with his own mother
- When Jesus is invited into our circles of friends, our relationships are enhanced to meet their true potential
- Jesus should be welcome in our work places
- If Jesus is invited into our work places, he will likely change our practices
- Jesus made alterations to Jewish practices
- When Jesus is invited into our workplaces, our practices will no longer be the focus, instead our practices will fall in line
- Jesus should be welcome in our hearts
- If Jesus is invited into our hearts, he might change our priorities
- Jesus changed the priorities of his disciples
- When Jesus is given full authority over our hearts, our priorities will give us true purpose
- Conclusion: Sometimes we tend to think that the only way we can welcome Jesus into every aspect of our lives is if he conforms to fit our mold
- Jesus is never going to be everything we want him to be
- Jesus is everything we want ourselves to be
- Introduction: Are there some places you are unwilling to invite Jesus to?
- Jul 2, 2017Belie or Believe – John 1:19-51
Jul 2, 2017Belie or Believe – John 1:19-51By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Belie or Believe?”
John 1:19-51
- Introduction
- Do you know anyone who likes to exaggerate?
- Many people discredit God’s word because they believe it contradicts itself in several places
- Contradiction # 1 – John the Baptist says he isn’t Elijah when in other places in the NT Jesus says he is; who should we believe?
- The questions the authorities asked John show they didn’t completely understand the prophecy about the Messiah
- The role of John the Baptist’s ministry was exactly what was prophesied
- There are several similarities between Elijah and John
- Contradiction # 2 – John’s timeline of Jesus’ Baptism and the beginning of his ministry doesn’t line up with the other Gospels
- We must carefully study the Gospels to get a clear picture of what actually happened
- John’s account was after Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness
- Liberties have to be taken to explain further
- Contradiction # 3 – John describes a different account of how the disciples were called and in what order than the other Gospels
- Again, we must carefully study the Gospels to get a clear picture of what actually happened
- There is an “un-named” disciples that has to be John
- This narrative is mostly about how John first met Jesus
- Conclusion:
- The Bible is God’s inspired and infallible word; there is always an explanation even if you don’t know what it is
- If you don’t have an answer, don’t give up! Ask God!
- Introduction
- Jun 25, 2017Visualizing the Invisible God – John 1:1-18
Jun 25, 2017Visualizing the Invisible God – John 1:1-18By: Jonathan WallerSeries: The Gospel John
“Visualizing the Invisible God”
John 1:1-18
- Introduction
- If you were to try and draw a picture of God so that someone who didn’t know God could see Him, what would your drawing look like?
- If you want to see God, look no further than Jesus Christ
- Jesus shows he is God in that he has done what no other could do
- He was with God in the beginning
- He is greater than John (Elijah or the Prophets)
- He is greater than Moses (Law)
- Jesus shows he is God and all God’s creation was done through him
- Jesus is the spoken word of God by which he created the universe
- His fingerprint is left everywhere you look
- John Ortberg calls Jesus “The man who won’t go away!”
- Jesus shows he is God in that he came to reveal God to us
- He has come to show us God’s nature
- We didn’t recognize him because we had been disillusioned by what we thought we knew about God
- Conclusion:
- If you want others to see God, you are able to do this, not by painting a picture, but by doing what Jesus did
- As Jesus emulated the father by following His lead, so we must emulate Jesus and follow his
- Introduction