Department Heads
Missions Department Chairperson

The Mission department focuses on how to spread the love of Jesus Christ all around the world, starting with Runge. It’s the department chairperson’s job to facilitate mission meetings, advocate the importance of missions, and make recommendations on behalf of the missions department to the church for approval. Rose is missionary minded and has a servant’s heart, which makes her perfect to serve in this capacity.
Hospitality Department Chairperson
The Hospitality department is responsible for meals made at the church (breakfast, Wednesday Nights, Potlucks, and any additional meal needed). Shawn has been serving as our Hospitality Department Chairperson and is a wonderful addition to our church. She is responsible for making purchases, and for organizing events at our church as well. Meals are top notch.
Youth Department Chairperson

The youth department is probably one of the most fascinating departments in our church. It’s so strange to see students who actually want to be in church and want to learn about Jesus, but it’s always a blessing. Over the years we’ve been accused of being the “fun church”, which we take as a compliment. There’s no reason why learning about God has to be a tedious chore. We believe learning about God is fun, especially when he reveals new things about himself to us! Corey has an amazing ability to meet with students on their level. His dedication and commitment to seeing the youth grow is in Jesus is his mission in life.
Finance Department Chairperson

The finance department is an intricate part of our church. Our department head, Larry, works with every department to make sure that they understand how the budget works, and how they can use the resources they’ve been given to most effectively reach a lost world. Larry and his wife both are wonderful servants of the Lord. What makes them so awesome is that neither of them are greedy for money but are just eager to serve. They are, without a shadow of doubt, the best financially sound people our church has.
Sunday School Department Chairperson
The Sunday School Department’s sole responsibility is to help committed disciples of Jesus find out how they can best learn about how to follow their Lord and Savior. Aida has been working with our church for sometime now and does an excellent job making sure that the Sunday School material is current and up to date. She also works with the pastor and youth pastor introduces new ways that we can continue reaching those who don’t know Jesus.
Music Department Chairperson

Worship is an amazing ministry. Sometimes a song can minister to people much better than a sermon. The music minister has the responsibility to prepare the music and to present it in such a way that people can engage in fellowship with the Lord and each other. Without music, the ministry wouldn’t be alive, perhaps that’s why David danced before the Lord the way that he did. Blake is an extremely talented and spiritually gifted worship leader and we are very grateful to the Lord for bringing him into our fold.
Building & Grounds Department Chairperson

The building and ground’s director’s sole responsibility is to make sure that the building is kept in good condition so that when people come in, they are not distracted and cannot hear the word of God. Ted does an amazing job in this area. He not only has the knowledge, but also the expertise to keep up the building, but also to lead and direct the building projects while keeping his eye on the future of the church. This position could not be done without a loving relationship with the Lord and Ted is obviously called to this position.
Men’s Ministry Chairperson
The Men’s ministry is a vibrant part of our church. Someone once said, “Evil is prevalent when good men do nothing.” Floyd’s responsibility as the Men’s Ministry Chairperson is to determine what the needs of the men of our church are, and to seek the Lord in how to fulfill them. Without a strong brotherhood of Christ, the leadership of the church would be destroyed. “Evil prevails when good men do nothing.”
Women’s Ministry Chairperson

Behind every great man, is an even greater woman. Men are nothing without women who love and support them. Megan’s responsibility as the Women’s Ministry Chairperson is to find a way to help build and encourage the women of the church to serve in ways that God is calling them to. Some of the most important roles a woman can find herself in is to be a source of love and encouragement to her children and to her husband. Megan loves God and loves seeing women grow in their walk with the Lord.